Bering-uClibc 4.x - Developer Guide - Hints and Tips for using Git SCM

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Hints and Tips for using Git SCM
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The LEAF project successfully used the CVS (Concurrent Version System) Source Code Management (SCM) tool, hosted by SourceForge, for many years. Various developers suggested switching to an alternative SCM such as Subversion or Git (see in particular the email thread "Talks about versioning system" on the leaf-devel mailing list in late September 2010) but the consensus was that CVS met all the basic requirements and a change of SCM would only divert resources away from other more important tasks.

The consensus view changed in late January / early February 2011, when the SourceForge systems were compromised and CVS proved particularly difficult to restore (see the SourceForge report here). In particular, the indication was that the SourceForge-hosted CVS service would be retired.

The SourceForge-hosted Git SCM service was selected as the new SCM for Bering-uClibc 4.x early in February 2011.

Overview of Git

Git is a distributed Source Code Management tool whereas CVS is a client-server SCM tool. This means that every Git repository is a "peer" (equivalent) of every other repository. One repository, in our case the one hosted by SourceForge, is arbitrarily designated as the "main" or "central" repository, but every developer has their own local, working repository with the same capabilities as the central one.

A developer initiates their own local repository by "cloning" the master one, hosted by SourceForge.

The developer then interacts with their local repository rather than interacting directly with the central repository, and periodically synchronizes the local repository with the central one. Changes made locally are "pushed" to the central repository, whereas changes made by other developers (and "pushed" to the central repository by those other developers) are "pulled" from the central repository so as to update the local repository.

It is tempting to refer to the central repository as the "master" repository, but that would be confusing as will become clear later. The term "central" or "SourceForge-hosted" repository will be used instead.

Getting Started

Browse using GitWeb

The very first step is probably to browse the web-based interface to the SourceForge-hosted Git repository at the LEAF project GitWeb to familiarize yourself with the structure.

Tip: Click on "tree" a few times, then try "summary".

Install the Git Client

The next step is to ensure you have the Git client software installed on your build host. On Red Hat-derived Linux distributions this is accomplished with:

yum install git

Clone the SourceForge-hosted Git Repository

Next, you will want to copy ("clone") the SourceForge-hosted Git repository. The naming convention for project repository URLs is documented on the SourceForge Git page. In our case "PROJECTNAME" = "leaf" and "REPONAME" = "leaf" so the repository is accessed as:


The examples that follow assume you want read-write access and will therefore use the second (ssh) variant. Obviously you need to replace "USERNAME" with your own SourceForge username. You will be prompted to enter your SourceForge account password when using the "ssh" URL, or you can configure SSH keys as described here.

To actually create a copy of the SourceForge-hosted repository change to a suitable directory on your build host and run the following command:

git clone ssh://

Note: The "git" commands must be entered as e.g. "git clone" (argument "clone" to command "git") but you will also see references to e.g. "git-clone" in the documentation. This is because the man pages use the latter naming style (with the hyphen).

This creates a new directory "leaf" under the current directory which contains a full copy of the "leaf" repository on SourceForge. Change to this new "leaf" directory for the following steps:

cd leaf

This directory "leaf" represents the local repository which is a full Git repository in its own right, although it understands that it was derived from (and is therefore "linked" back to) the SourceForge repository.

Note: The SourceForge repository is known by the alias "origin". That alias will be used in some of the commands.

Any git commands executed in or below this directory operate on this repository.

Configure your User Identity

Any changes you make are identified with your user details as specified in a Git configuration file. To populate these on a "per repository" basis run the following commands:

git config "Your Full Name"
git config ""

Tip: Review the contents of file .git/config to see where these setting are maintained and what else is in this file.

An alternative is to configure these details on a "per user" basis, which means they are instead written to file $HOME/.gitconfig and apply to all repositories (unless overridden by a "per repository" setting). To do this, add the --global argument as shown below:

git config --global "Your Full Name"
git config --global ""

Change an Existing File

That's all of the preparation complete; now we can actually change something. The following examples show an update to bering-uclibc4/buildtool/conf/sources.cfg.

Edit the file

First change to the directory containing the file to be modified:

cd bering-uclibc4/buildtool/conf

Modify the file using your favourite text editor:

edit sources.cfg

Tell Git about the changes

When the modifications are complete you need to tell Git about them. This is accomplished using the "git add" command:

git add sources.cfg

Note: With CVS you would only "add" new files or directories. With Git you need to also need to "add" changes to existing files.

Running "git add" has the effect of adding the differences in the specified file(s) to a local "index" of pending changes which is then processed by a subsequent "git commit" transaction.

Commit the changes to the local Git repository

At any point you can review the contents of the "index" of pending changes with the following command:

git diff --cached

It is good practice to always do this before running "git commit".

Another command to show what changes are pending is:

git status

This also shows what files have been modified but not yet added to the list of changes to be processed.

Next, you need to commit the changes to your local Git repository:

git commit -m "Log message for changes"

Note: With CVS this would commit the changes directly to the shared repository on SourceForge however with Git the "commit" command only commits the changes to the local Git repository.

Publish the changes to the SourceForge-hosted Git repository

Publishing the local changes to the shared Git repository hosted on SourceForge needs a further step:

git push

Tip: All of the "git" commands take a "--dry-run" command-line parameter. This processes the command as normal but does not actually update the repository. Use this while you are learning to check what effect a command will have before running it for real.

Add a New Directory

When adding a new Package it is necessary to add a new directory (under repo/) together with (some of) the files in that directory. This is easier with Git than with CVS, since adding the directory automatically adds the files as well.

git add packagedir/

Note that any number of related changes can be stacked up with multiple "git add" commands before running "git commit". This means that adding a new Package entry to sources.cfg can be done as part of the same commit as adding the source files themselves.

Update the Local Repository with Changes from SourceForge

Other developers will be making their own changes and publishing updates to the SourceForge-hosted Git repository. Update the local repository to re-align it with the master repository using the following command:

git pull

If there are no changes this responds as follows:

Already up-to-date.

More Advanced Topics

Ignoring Generated Files

Any files generated within the Git repository will show up in a "git status" and are at risk of being accidentally added to the repository. To specify that such files should be ignored, Git checks for files called .gitignore in each directory within the repository.

The contents of a .gitignore file take effect on files in the same directory and in all sub-directories, and the contents are basically just filename glob patterns which specify the files to be ignored.

For example, there is a buildtool/image/.gitignore file which specifies that any generated disk Image files (in the various sub-directories) should be excluded. The contents are:

# Exclude any generated image files

Moving and Removing Files

When Removing files, or Moving them around within the repository, simply use the "git rm" and "git mv" rather than "rm" and "mv". These "git" commands do what you would expect at the file system level and also keep the Git "index" updated. The changes then need to be committed and pushed.

Tagging Releases

It is customary to "tag" each Bering-uClibc 4.x release (including Betas and Release Candidates) in the SCM. This is done by running commands like:

git tag -a 4.0-rc1
git push origin 4.0-rc1

The first command creates an unsigned "annotated" tag label for the most recent commit and the second pushes it to the SourceForge-hosted Git repository.

The tags defined for a Git repository can be listed with "git tag -l". For example:

git tag -l


Default Branch

By default, Git works with a single local branch called "master", as can be seen by running the "git branch" command with no arguments:

git branch
* master

The asterisk (*) indicates that this is the "current" branch.

This local branch "master" is synchronized with the "master" branch in the "origin" repository (known as "origin/master").

Creating a Branch

A new local branch can be created very easily. For example:

git branch new-branch

creates a new local branch called "new-branch" which is based on the latest commit ("HEAD") on branch "master".

If you want the branch to refer to an older snapshot of the repository, for example the release tagged as "4.0-rc1", specify this as the "<start-point>", for example:

git branch 4.0-rc1-branch 4.0-rc1

Working with a new Branch

When a new branch is created it is not automatically made the default branch.

In order to use a different branch you need to switch to it using "git checkout". For example:

git checkout new-branch

Alternatively, a new branch can be created using the "-b" argument to "git checkout". For example:

git checkout -b beta3-branch 4.0-beta3

in which case this new branch is automatically made the default.

Deleting a Branch

A local branch can be deleted using e.g.

git branch -d new-branch

Git Command Reference for CVS Users

For developers familiar with CVS, here are the equivalent Git commands for some basic SCM tasks:

Task CVS Command Git Command
Check-in a modified file cvs commit -m "Log Message" filename git add filename; git commit -m "Log Message"; git push
Update local repository with changes from SourceForge cvs update git pull

Further Reading

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