Bering-uClibc 4.x - Developer Guide - Hints and Tips for using Git SCM

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Hints and Tips for using Git SCM
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The LEAF project successfully used the CVS (Concurrent Version System) Source Code Management (SCM) tool, hosted by SourceForge, for many years. Various developers suggested switching to an alternative SCM such as Subversion or Git (see in particular the email thread "Talks about versioning system" on the leaf-devel mailing list in late September 2010) but the consensus was that CVS met all the basic requirements and a change of SCM would only divert resources away from other more important tasks.

The consensus view changed in late January / early February 2011, when the SourceForge systems were compromised and CVS proved particularly difficult to restore (see the SourceForge report here. In particular, the indication was that the SourceForge-hosted CVS service would be retired.

The SourceForge-hosted Git SCM service was selected as the new SCM for Bering-uClibc 4.x early in February 2011.

Getting Started

The first step is to ensure you have the Git client software installed on your build host. On Red Hat-derived Linux distributions this is accomplished with:

yum install git

Next, you will want to copy ("clone") the SourceForge-hosted Git repository. The naming convention for project repositorie URLs is documented on the SourceForge Git page. In our case "PROJECTNAME" = "leaf" and "REPONAME" = "leaf" so the repository is accessed as:


The examples that follow assume you want read-write access and will therefore use the second variant. Obviously you need to replace "USERNAME" with your own SourceForge username.

To actually create a copy of the SourceForge-hosted repository change to a suitable directory on your build host and run the following command:

git clone ssh://

This creates a new directory "leaf" under the current directory which contains a full copy of the "leaf" repository on SourceForge.

Git for CVS Users

For anyone familiar with CVS, here are the equivalent Git commands for some basic SCM tasks:

Task CVS Command Git Command
Check in a modified file cvs commit -m "Log Message" filename TODO

Further Reading

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